Meet The Team

Ed Dowling Managing Director

Ed Dowling has been a director of Thomson Airborne since 1998, following several years of service as Operations Manager. Ed has extensive financial and business skills which will ensure Thomson Airborne Geophysical Survey offers clients cutting edge equipment and a service second to none.

Paul Rogerson Director Airborne Manager

Paul, a partner in Thomson Airborne and has more than 17 years’ experience in aviation related logistics. Paul is your first point of contact and will be able to help customers with the whole range of services Thomson Airborne provide.


Tim Hetherington Director Technical Manager

Tim is a director of the company and is our expert on geophysical systems. A qualified electrical engineer, Tim brings 15 years of experience in systems and problem solving to the table. Tim is our go to guy for all of your geophysical system enquiries.

Billy Batjargal Senior Data Processor

Billy has been working for Thomson Airborne for over 8 years and brings with him more than 9 years experience in airborne data acquisition and data processing . Having now processed over 5 million line kilometres of high resolution data including recent regional surveys for Geoscience Australia, Billy has earned the title of Senior Data Processor.

Adam King Chief Pilot

Adam has been with Thomson Airborne for 18 years and has over 20,000 flight hours of experience. Adam’s high standards and hands on approach to his position ensure clients our pilots fly to a very high standard.

Anton Rada, M. App.Sci. Consultant Geophysicist

Anton has over 27 years’ experience in exploration geophysics, with expertise in airborne data acquisition and data processing. Developer and operator of our current UAV magnetics survey system, he also assists Thomson Airborne with data quality control and processing services.